Sunday 21 March 2010

A Week to Remember

The launch week of any new title is an exciting time but when it is your first title especially so.  We have spent two years trailing the market with test titles, tying up distribution deals and getting to grip with digital technology.  This week we launched ‘Broken Dreams’ by Nick Quantrill and had an excellent public relations push for the title with the media.

ITV Yorkshire produced an excellent report on their nightly Calendar programme for Nick and BBC Radio Humberside carried out a ten minute interview.  The newspaper coverage for Nick was especially good with the Hull Daily Mail including two features (one in the main section – entertainment and one in the business section) plus a separate mention of the book signings. We also gained a major feature in the Yorkshire Daily Post including a podcast on its website by journalist Nick Ahad.

In-between all of this activity we secured two highly successful book signings at Waterstone in Hull and the Hessle Bookshop. We also arranged future book signings at Waterstones in other cities plus a ticketed book event at Simply Books in Pocklington, which will be a great night with radio actor Pete Haslam reading from Nick’s book and Nick answering questions from the audience.

Kicking this first week of activity of Nick was invited to Crime and the City at the University of Hull, Phillip Larkin Centre.  The event was a sell-out and Nick read from Broken Dreams and answered questions.

With a number of other events lined up and more PR to support it we hope to continue the push and keep the interest of the media and the book buying public.

To create success you have to work hard and be proactive and fight against discrimination, short-sightedness and ignorance.  You have to be stubborn, refuse to take no for an answer and learn to roll with the punches and there are quite a few punches and low blows.  But if you have a quality product, talented authors willing to work hard and a plan to get your product to the media and the public then you are in a better position than most.  It is very early days for Caffeine Nights Publishing and nothing is certain but we want to make a difference.  We want to change the way the industry works and thinks.  It’s a long road and we are at the very beginning, but it is exciting…

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